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Il Risorgimento Grafico

Rivista d´arte dedicata alle industrie grafiche

   Year: III
   Number: 1
   Month: 1
   Year: 1905
   Number of filed articles: 16
   Archive: Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze

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Instalment articles

Indice del terzo volume

   Article pages: III-IV

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Nuove tendenze

   Author: Etrusco (Etrusco)

   Article pages: 5-7

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L´arte nella strada

   Author: Ratta Cesare
   Article pages: 9-12

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L´espressione grafica dell´idea (continuazione e fine, vedi n.5, anno II)

   Author: Vegetti Enrico (E. Vegetti)

   Article pages: 13-16

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In proposito alle "Regole dell´arte"

   Author: Melani Alfredo
   Article pages: 17-20

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