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D´Ars Agency

periodico d´arte contemporanea

   Series: I
   Year: IV
   Number: 4
   Month: 6
   Year: 1963
   Number of filed articles: 62
   Archive: Fondazione d´Ars Agency

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Instalment articles

In fondo al pozzo

   Author: Crovetto Carlo (Crovetto)

   Page: 89
   Column: In fondo al pozzo

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Manifesti cinematografici polacchi

   Author: Bonfante Egidio (Egidio Bonfante)

   Article pages: 90-91
   Column: Grafica pubblicitaria

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Colori ad olio extrafini per«artisti» Winsor & Newton Itd.

   Author: n.d.
   Article pages: 92-93

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Disegni e parole

   Author: n.d.
   Page: 94
   Column: Ricevuto e visto

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Asta Galleria Motte - Ginevra maggio 1963

   Author: n.d.
   Article pages: 95-96
   Column: Aste

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