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La Riviera Ligure

   Series: IV
   Year: XXI
   Number: 39
   Month: 3
   Year: 1915
   Number of filed articles: 7
   Archive: Archivio Mario Novaro

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Instalment articles

Bechi, Racconti del bivacco; Serra, Le lettere

   Author: Boine Giovanni (Giovanni Boine)

   Article pages: 381 bis e 388 bis
   Column: Plausi e Botte

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Che or´è? Gli occhi

   Author: Moretti Marino (Marino Moretti)

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Il famigerato Rangoni

   Author: Baratono Pierangelo (Pierangelo Baratono)

   Article pages: 382-383

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Le due melagrane

   Author: Saponaro Michele (Michele Saponaro)

   Article pages: 383-385

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Resoconto dell´escursione

   Author: Boine Giovanni (Giovanni Boine)

   Article pages: 385-387

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   Author: Boine Giovanni (Giovanni Boine)

   Article pages: 387-389

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Lettera da una taverna

   Author: Sbarbaro Pietro Camillo (Camillo Sbarbaro)

   Page: 390

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