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Dati internazionali d´arte

   Year: I
   Number: 1
   Month: 9
   Year: 1971
   Number of filed articles: 16
   Archive: Mart, Archivio del ´900, fondo ANS

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Instalment articles

Buren, Haacke, chi altro?

   Author: Denizot René (René Denizot)

   Article pages: 30-31
   Column: Assenza-Presenza

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Intervista con Ian Wilson

Trini Tommaso (Tommaso Trini )
Wilson Ian (Ian Wilson)

   Article pages: 32-34

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Book as an artwork

   Author: Celant Germano (Germano Celant)

   Article pages: 35-49

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Patografia di un artista

   Author: Menna Filiberto (Filiberto Menna)

   Article pages: 50-53

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Luciano Fabro

   Author: Fabro Luciano (Luciano Fabro)

   Article pages: 54-59

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 Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa    Universitàdegli Studi di Genova

Universitàdegli Studi di SienaUniversitàdegli Studi di Udine