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Ritratto di Charles Feingarten

  • Author of the reproduced work: n.d.
  • Caption: Charles Feingarten, boss di Bub Osborne. Dirige contemporaneamente quattro gallerie (Los Angeles, S?an Francisco, Chicago, New York) ed ha molto contribuito all?ìaffermazione dei giovani artisti americani. Chuck Feingarten is a unique American dealer, running four galleries at the same time (and probably the only dealer who has raced the clock from New York to San Francisco opening the same show on the same day in each of the four galleries). Representing mostly younger americans, he now hopes to introduce some new Italian artists in the States during the coming season.
  • Image typology: photography
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 Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa    Universitàdegli Studi di Genova

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