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Ritratto di Rudolph Springer

  • Author of the reproduced work: n.d.
  • Caption: Titolare della Galerie Springer a Berlino. Ha intuito la qualità dei dipinti di molti giovani, per esempio l´italiano Piero Dorazio e il tedesco Bachmann. Non ama le riviste d´arte contemporanea: in compenso, a Berlino Ovest, rappresenta l´Arte d´oggi, costituendovi un mercato attivo. Rudolph Springer. Head of the Galerie Springer in Berlin. He has perceived the quality of the painting of many young artists, for example the Italian Piero Dorazio and the German Bachmann. He does not like contemporary art reviews: in recompense, he has established himself as an active dealer in West Berlin, a representative of today´s art.
  • Image typology: photography
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