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Ritratto di George W. Staempfli

  • Author of the reproduced work: n.d.
  • Caption: George W. Staempfli è un tranquillo e benigno americano di origine svizzera. La sua galleria a New York e famosa. Organizzerà il 16 ottobre 1962 una personate di Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain (vedi ? Metro 4-5)?. George W. Staempfli is a quiet, benign Swiss, running one of New York´s most top-powered galleries. An unforgettable figure standing among the swinging familarity of an opening show of his fellow countryman Jean Tinguely, he currently shows artists of a somewhat more conservative nature such as Emilio Rodriguez-Larrain (exhibition opening October 16, 1962).
  • Image typology: photography
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