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Ritratto di James Johnson Sweeney

  • Author of the reproduced work: n.d.
  • Caption: James Johnson Sweeney. Non abbisogna di introduzione ai nostri lettori, tanto è famoso. Il suo curriculum vitae occupa due pagine ciclostilate con cariche, incarichi, onorificenze. We are certain that James Johnson Sweeney, former director of New York´s Guggenheim and current head of the Houston Museum of Fine Arts, hardly needs an introduction to our readers. Indeed, it would be difficult to sum up the vast contribution of this great amerìcan critic scholar to the fine arts, enough to sav that his presence will certainly have an inimitable effect on the Biennale.
  • Image typology: photography
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 Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa    Universitàdegli Studi di Genova

Universitàdegli Studi di SienaUniversitàdegli Studi di Udine