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Is the time for cafe discussions over? (musing of a democrat)

  • Author of the reproduced work: Kitaj Ronald Brooks
  • Caption: 2. Is the time for cafe discussions over? (musing of a democrat). 1961/62, oil, ink, pencil, lithograph and collage on canvas, 40 X 50 inches, New London Gallery. One of the ?bibliographies? given as one of the collage (and-written) elements in this painting could be very helpful as a key to the iconography involved. The trouble is... the iconography does not culminate in any logical method. The grid can’t be easily read except as visual images pure and simple. The Catalan humanist — Ramon Lull and what they call his ’art’ should be looked up as one source. Otherwise — anarchism and other bookish sources come into play.
  • Place: New London Gallery
  • Year of the work: 1962
  • Image typology: mixed arts
  • Instalment form
  • Riffle the Instalment



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