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  • Author of the reproduced work: Marchegiani Elio
  • Caption: 165-172. in 1968, Elio Marchegiani, using Balla´s notes and scale drawings skillfully reconstructed a model of the ballet set for stravinsky´s "Fireworks". On the opposite page are photographs of six of the 76 electonically-programmed light changes. The reconstruction is on the scale of 1:13,333, approximately the size of a large television set; the Stravinsky music was taped and coordinated with the lights
  • Year of the work: 1968
  • Image typology: photography
  • Instalment form
  • Riffle the Instalment



 Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa    Universitàdegli Studi di Genova

Universitàdegli Studi di SienaUniversitàdegli Studi di Udine